From Pinoccio's PmWiki

Site: Skidoo-Tabs

Each DIV represents a tab. The DIV title will be used as the tab text, and the content of the DIV will be the content of the tab. A DIV with an id="-TOC" will become a clickable Table of Contents.


My Section



edit SideBar

(:div title="site":)
(:include {$SiteGroup}.SideBar:)
(:div title="admin":)
(:include {$SiteGroup}.{$SkinName}-AdminBar:)
(:div title="wiki":)
(:include {$SiteGroup}.WikiBar:)

(:div title="TOC" id="{$SkinName}-TOC":) 
(:div title="group":)
(:pagelist group=-{$SiteGroup},-PmWiki trail={$SiteGroup}.AllRecentChanges count=40 list=normal fmt=#Skidoo_MRU_Group_List group={$Group}:)
(:div title="all":)
(:pagelist group=-{$SiteGroup},-PmWiki trail={$SiteGroup}.AllRecentChanges count=40 list=normal fmt=#Skidoo_MRU_All_List:)
Retrieved from
Page last modified on May 28, 2010, at 11:05 AM